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- 企业办公系统界面
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- Android开发
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Chessbase 14 英文版/中文版 国际象棋软件 棋校专业汉化 数据库
- 品牌:holyking
中文版ChessBase 14/国内首发/附带2016大数据库
ChessBase 14是该系列全新的版本,包含新的以百万个棋局为基础的综合在线数据库,通过CB保持典型与zui新;瞬时在线搜索结果;自动更新本地参考数据库;以统计树风格展示游戏和走棋;各种质量游戏的搜索筛选;开局参照常见变换概述;新的搜索推进器超高速的结果等等。此外,CB 14还具有使用高解析度的新的外观,增强的窗口界面管理。
从A(代表analysis分析)到Z(代表zugzwang迫移,也叫 楚次文格,无等着局面),在新的ChessBase14程序中,有许多的改进,这些改进使棋局的输入和分析变得更加简单。
ChessBase 14 is a personal, stand-alone chess database that has become the standard throughout the world. Everyone uses ChessBase, from the World Champion to the amateur next door. It is the program of choice for anyone who loves the game and wants to know more about it. Start your personal success story with ChessBase and enjoy your chess even more.
Mega Package contains:
- ChessBase 14 Program with access to the Live-Database (8 million games)*
- Mega Database (咨询特价)
- CBMagazine subscription for a full year (6 issues)
- Database-Update-Service through end of (咨询特价)
- Full year Premium membership for playchess and for the ChessBase Accounts
New in ChessBase 14:
From “A” for analysis to “Z” for zugzwang, in the new ChessBase 14 program there are a whole heap of improvements which make the entry and analysis of games all the more easy, as they do the production of training or practice material.
“Assisted Analysis”: as you enter a game, whenever you click on a piece an evaluation is produced for all its possible target squares, and this is highlighted on the board in colour. The function “Tactical Analysis” will insert commentary, variations and diagrams, before strong moves or errors, into a game or an entire database. It will also annotate combinations, played in the game or missed, tries, attacks, initiative, and of course the latest in openings theory.
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